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Animal Food changes into Animeal Factory
The company Animal Food changed it’s name into Animeal Factory. The name change is an important step of the new direction the new owners want to go.
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Animal Food changes into Animeal Factory

The company Animal Food changed it’s name into Animeal Factory. The name change is an important step of the new direction the new owners want to go.

Since January 2014 Animeal Factory is part of Business Park Someren, owned by the Driessen Group. This new partner is a family owned company, which  is active in the producing ingredients for human food and animal feeds since early seventies.

Quick anticipation

Animeal Factory wants to be the best private label supplier to  wholesale for the professional retail market. The organisation’s aim is to grow in a structured way; the circumstances at Business Park Someren are a perfect condition. A distinctive advantage is the efficiency in the process; the whole process under one roof, from idea to full truck load, in 10 days if needed. Flexibility is crucial; quick anticipation on developments in the market is key. On this location Animeal has sister companies in ingredient supply, taste, laboratory activities and logistics & warehousing to strengthen its activity.

From idea to end product

“In 2013 we have been delivering  99,8% of our orders in-time”, says Wim van Meegen of Animeal Factory proudly. “The others we solved within 24 hours.  An important condition to our success is not only our experience, but mainly the cooperation with our customers. Together we develop the best ideas, in which you can expect a proactive role from our side.  Improving our customer’s idea and transferring it into a commercial product at the right time and right shop; that’s Animeal Factory.

From May 29th- June 1st he company will be at Interzoo, world’s largest international pet food and pet supplies trade show in Nürnberg, Germany.

publicatiedatum: 07-05-2014